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Your best source for Hercus lathe parts.

Hercus 9a gearbox tumbler gear--part No.343

NEW Hercus 9a gearbox tumbler gear--part No.343

hard gear to make because of the 2 keys,

hence the price

made in Australia in a dual manufacturing arrangement between AMH and F.W.Hercus

suits Hercus 9 gearbox, imperial and metric  left and right handles  

  • Brand: HERCUS
  • Product Code: 343
  • Availability: 42

NEW Hercus 9a gearbox tumbler gear--part No.343

hard gear to make because of the 2 keys,

hence the price

made in Australia in a dual manufacturing arrangement between AMH and F.W.Hercus

suits Hercus 9 gearbox, imperial and metric  left and right handles  


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